Saturday, January 10, 2009

In the beginning...

Hello to the Cyberworld,
My wife finally convinced me to take the plunge into the cyberocean. So here it goes...the time has come.

A little about me:
I am in my first year of chiropractic college at Life Chiropractic College West in Hayward, CA and am anticipating a long and fulfilling professional career. Because I'm starting chiropractic school about 10 years later than most, I have to make up a bit for some lost time. I am married and have 4 children! Yeah, I know, it doesn't sound like the ideal situation, right? It actually is working out quite nicely. It's not as if the last 10 years were a waste of time, because I learned valuable lessons in the software sales world. My family enjoys where we live in NorCal too. In some cases, it can be advantageous to enter graduate school a little later on, at least it was for me.

This blog will be used to post some of my key learnings and ideas from school and from other books and studies as well, mostly on the topics of health and wellness.

I also want to offer products that readers can buy that will help for quality of life and well-being. I will offer certain supplements and products that have helped me and my family and/or have been backed by some really good research. Maybe I'll be able to do this at discounted rates. Watch for products to be added shortly....


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