Monday, April 2, 2012

Gut and Psychology and NUCCA

Could there be a natural remedy for those with both digestive problems and brain disorders? I believe we have finally found the correlation and even the underlying root of the problem.  What kind of disorders am I talking about?

Here is a list of brain conditions that may have a common underlying gut problem:
  • Autism, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), schizophrenia, attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADD or ADHD), anxiety, behavioral problems, other learning disabilities, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and seizures.
Other common conditions found in these individuals:
  • Eczema, psoriasis, allergies, and asthma
One or more of the following gut problems are usually present with the above brain issues:
  • Colitis, irritable bowel (IBS), diverticulitis, Celiac Disease, Crohn’s, chronic diarrhea, gas, bloating, constipation, colic, reflux, heartburn, gut pain, etc. 

I have been lecturing recently at the St. George, UT clinic on the concepts in the book Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS), written by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD.  It focuses on the science of the problem and then on the dietary measures to reverse it. Her own child was diagnosed with autism. In her search to find a natural remedy, she came across and followed the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD). As a result, her child has fully recovered!  I know that sounds crazy, because most people think that autism is something you don’t “recover” from. But she has implemented what she learned from SCD and created her own 3-part GAPS Program for multitudes of patients and now for anyone who reads what is in her book. The Program is composed of the GAPS Diet, detoxification through juicing, and specific supplementation. 

The major premise of the book is that a GAPS person’s gut flora (bacteria) is in a state of imbalance between the good and bad bacteria. This creates an environment where every-day, modern foods are not being digested properly in our gut, but are feeding the bad bacteria and creating toxic by-products.  If bad enough, these toxins can overload our natural abilities to successfully eliminate them and we end up with them inside our blood stream. These cross the blood brain barrier and get into our brains and interfere with normal development and function. This is why it seems like that same underlying dysbiotic gut condition can “cause” so many different brain and other bodily conditions. The type of bacteria in each GAPS person’s gut will determine the type of toxins that create things like autism in some people, while creating ADD in others.

Why am I interested in such things?  I don’t have any immediate family members who suffer from these disorders. But, as a chiropractor with patients with all sorts of conditions, I am always looking for natural means of rectifying the underlying problems. I feel that we are what we absorb through are gut.

How does this tie in to the structural work (NUCCA) that I do on the upper cervical spine (neck)? It has a TON to do with it. Most of the GAPS individuals get that way early on even from the traumatic process of birth. There is a study from the Journal of Neurotrauma in Aug of 2009 that showed how traumatic brain injuries or “TBI, can induce an increase in intestinal permeability”.  We also know that the brain and nervous system controls and influences everything in the whole body, including the digestion. We access and influence the nervous system through the atlas bone, getting the head and neck aligned. This is a great foundation to build on. We clear things up with the structural work, then help direct the patient with dietary and lifestyle changes, like the GAPS program, if needed.

We have many parents that come into our office, bringing their newborn children to get checked to see if they are a good candidate for the type of chiropractic care that we specialize in. Many of these children might be suffering from colic, upset tummies, inability to thrive, tummy pain, inability to latch on to mom, etc. Resolving these problems might be as simple as getting their heads on straight. For the majority that comes in, there is vast improvement or recovery altogether. Other things that respond well to our upper cervical care are headaches, migraines, neck and back pain of all types, etc. etc. We can tell if a child, or any other individual for that matter, needs to be adjusted. You can call our office and make an appointment for a free consultation.

In March 2012, I lectured twice on the introduction to GAPS and also did a class where we actually showed how to cook some of the recipes in the GAPS diet. There was great attendance by those looking for natural and alternative ways to help their bodies heal and function properly. We are holding another class on April 18th where we will demonstrate how to cook more of the healthy probiotic recipes in the diet. This class will be held 4/18/12 at 6 PM at the Bosch Kitchen Center in St. George, Utah. Call the office for details and to reserve your spot: 1-866-867-5070.

Dr. J. Hartman Andersen, DC

1 comment:

  1. Hartman, this article needs to get into the minds of both those with these brain conditions, and those of us who can prevent these conditions. You are doing great work and practicing real medicine.
